
A stay in a VIP Aparthouse at the SuliCamp resort is a luxurious experience, offering the ultimate in comfort and exclusive amenities in a beautiful natural setting.

Aparthouse SuliCamp

1 aparthouse

1 aparthouse

6 beds in Aparthousie

6 beds in Aparthousie

Pricing Aparthouse

Stay in Aparthouse

The charge is per night for a minimum stay of 2 nights.

- 4 persons
480 zł
- 6 persons
680 zł
Extra person in the cottage50 zł
Dog/cat fee15 zł
Parking15 zł
Local fee per person for each day of stay2.5 zł
Energy settlement - according to the meter2.5 zł kWh
Service fee
(applies to cottages)
100 zł / stay
Deposit (refundable) - cottage500 zł

Book your stay Aparthouse

Aparthouse plan

Aparthouse plan

Aparthouse - location in resort

Aparthouse - location in resort
FAQ - Aparthouse

Below are the most frequently asked questions about your stay at our resort. Our Customer Service will be happy to answer all your additional questions :)


Read customer reviews about SuliCamp.

May Day stay for three crews. Great location, clean and regularly cleaned sanitary facilities, good food, animators for children, many different attractions, high level, keep it up, I highly recommend it.



Great place at the foot of Mount Ślęża.

Large campsite, high-level service, pitches with grey water drains. Campfire area, on-site sauna, tub.

A 5+ campsite.


Meeting place

SuliCamp is a place for events, meetings and making friends. SuliCamp breathes a friendly atmosphere conducive to making new friends and creating a unique atmosphere. Meet new people while enjoying fantastic events surrounded by beautiful nature and the relaxing atmosphere of our centre.

Upcoming events

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